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I am concerned and calm, Ive been reading alot of posts here at RSDNation for the past couple months and i realized except for a few people, ( Svall, TheFader, Hallfful, PoP etc...) most of you guys are not getting laid. That's the ugly truth. You dont try or try very little. You dont go and meet women, but instead you post here to validate yourself to men you will probably never meet. Papa, Tyler, Jeffy and the other staff are great and beloved role models, but they are not to be worshipped. Instead of having fun, you treat The Blueprint Decoded like its a rulebook and you have to do exactly what it says. Remember the principles, but make up your own rules. Have fun.
I have noted that just like feminists call anyone who is against their views automatically. a chauvinist, ,pig, or predator... you treat anyone who does not beleive in RSD a chode,a virgin, or get laid bro. Some of you seem like Tyer Durden copycats, using his vocabulary,( chode, bro, glory, awesomeness) , his speech-craft and his lifestyle choices, instead of developing your own. Yes the world is mostly chodes, but theres a good 15% of guys who know what they are doing... naturally. Dont develop an us vs them mentality. A girl is not a bitch just cus she didnt agree with you. Maybe your creepy. I am still calm and relaxed.
There are some of you who get freaked out when someone doesnt agree with you. You make angry egotistical sheepish posts against each other... and say " you needz to get laid", or "read some tolle." Another problem i see is that some of you recycle RSD principles and ideas... but dont bring in new ideas or ways of seeing the world. You also expect to be baysat thru your problems... instead of working them out. RSD is just like a classroom.... but some of you just try bits and pieces and do the bare minimum.
Getting laid is NOT hard at all for the average person with an RSD mindset, but some of you overthink and overanylize your behavoir. Be your own person.... dont copy Tyler just cus his Tyler. If Tyler likes heavy metal.... dont become a heavy metal fan just because Tyler Durden is one. Be your own person. That is why Some of you will not get laid this year or the next, you are a copy-cat; you are not your own individual. dont take self help so seriously... have some fun.
I love Real social Dynamics. 115 lays later....... I still love Real Social Dynamics.